
Your Accountant’s Score Out of 10?

If it’s less than 8 then we need to talk.

Because right now it’s tough being in business. We absolutely get it. And we know that you deserve to have the dream team behind you in terms of support. After all, a proactive, enthusiastic and utterly expert team of advisers (who also have your back completely) means there’s one less thing for you to worry about.

But we also know not all entrepreneurs are feeling that right now. You may be the busiest you’ve ever been, struggling with supplies, staff, and social distancing. Or you may have seen everything you’ve worked for stop, stall, or slip away. Either way, we know it’s not fun. And it’s not fair that you should be shouldering that burden alone.

Here to Support You

The whole reason you have advisers is to support you at times like this, and they should be proactively showing up for you right now. But we know lots of clients are navigating the vagaries of the Government, HMRC and banking systems solo.

As expert accountants and business advisers, at Sempar we’ve not just maintained our full staff, we’ve grown them. We’ve upped our hours, and our team has been working day and night to make the difference in our clients’ businesses that they need. *We* manage their furlough applications, *we* give them tailored guidance on exactly what to do right now and in the coming weeks, and *we* prepare everything they need for funding support – whether that’s to facilitate growth or support survival. And quite frankly we believe that’s the very least they should expect.

You can visit our business support hub here.

Show and Not Tell

We believe passionately in show-and-not-tell, which is why we’re offering business owners, MDs, Founders and CEOs the chance to have a top-level 20 minute strategy call with one of our senior team. No sales pitch, no BS, just solid take-aways and at least one lightbulb moment assured. Click through to set up time for a call.

You can read more about our team and our ethos here, or view some feedback from our clients here.


You can read more about our team here and our ethos here, or view some feedback from our clients here.
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Let AI power your

business growth

Sempar’s clients gain access to a gamechanging entrepreneurial dashboard.

Sempar understands its clients look to them to lead them into the future. That was at the heart of their thinking when Sempar launched its entrepreneurial dashboard.

It allows their cloud clients to have all their business metrics and KPIs in once place.

Syncing daily with their accounts software it seamlessly compares actual data with previous periods, forecasts and non-financial data on a daily basis. A real game-changer.

Tax relief, not pain

Sempar’s pro-active tax planning removes any painful tax surprises.

Sempar turns the traditional accounting model on its head to breathe pro-activity and planning into its approach.

Discussing tax liabilities with their clients far in advance of them becoming due. Allowing clients to manage their cash flow better and making clients aware of reliefs and allowances that can positively impact their liabilities.